“Unveiling Morocco’s Tapestry: Our Journey Documenting Sahara’s Tribes and Desert Magic”

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Marrakesh, the city of dreams, and here we stand, finally. Months of anticipation, endless daydreams, and now, our journey has begun. As the plane’s wheels touched down on this ancient land, I felt it – that familiar rush of adventure, purpose, and an electric thrill. It’s a sensation that’s been building for half a year, ever since my dear friend and film director, Daniell Musaheb, and I wrapped up our last mission in this region.

Back in May, we ventured from Agadir, traversing the mesmerizing Timlalin Dunes, until we reached the bustling streets of Marrakesh. But our wanderlust didn’t stop there. It led us to Bounou, a small desert town tucked between Ouled Driss and M’hamid El Ghizlane.

And now, as I sit in Bounou once again, there’s something new that beckoned us to return. Our friend Hamid, a man of the desert with his own trekking business here, excitedly told us about the Taragalte music festival set to unfold in October. To be standing here, on the precipice of this grand event, still feels like a surreal reverie.

Tomorrow, we’ll venture to the open-air venue, just about 8 kilometers from where I now sit. I confess, I hardly know what to expect; I’ve been told it will surpass all imagination.

My love for North and North-Eastern parts of Africa, this arid realm of tales, traces its roots deep into my past. I remember the first inklings of it, back in my teenage years when I’d spend hours immersed in the pages of coffee table books, each adorned with grandiose images of places like Morocco, Egypt, Nubia, and Ethiopia.

Tomorrow, we embark on a journey into the heart of the unknown, where we will not only hear incredible music but taste the enchantment of a tribal culture like no other. We stand on the cusp of a new chapter, and we’re more than ready.

Sahara’s Call : Taragalte Festival beckons! Us to adventure 🎢πŸͺ🎸#desertdreams #Moroccomagic #travel #travelblogger #travellifestyle #filmmaker

Last modified: October 26, 2023